We take pride to say that we are the pioneers to reintroduce the long-forgotten concept of Community Living system, through Housings and Apartment projects in Nepal. Having developed numerous housing and Apartment projects inside the valley, numerous commercial complexes that are landmarks of the capital city, we have achieved remarkable growth over the last few decades. Apart from that, a significant hospital project, Wongchhu Memorial Hospital, a noble cause aimed to provide healthcare services in rural area has also been envisioned and developed.

Brihat Group, has been able to prosper and diverge into various aspects of Real Estate be it Design and Construction, Supervision of projects etc to Property Management, Multiple listings or Real Estate Marketing Agents.

It is indeed, a one stop solution for all your real estate needs.

Following the philosophy of “Partnering for the success of entrepreneurship,” we have grown into a Group comprising of 6 companies that expands in vast horizon of real estate sector, claiming ourselves “the one stop realty shop” for our valued customers. As we look to the years ahead we renew our pledge to remain committed to excellence, keep abreast of changes and innovations, and adopt better management and construction techniques. We continue to develop entrepreneurship to make the country self-sustained and keep working to create beautiful cities promoting planned urbanization. We are proud of our achievements. I am confident that our group will see even greater growth and scale even greater heights.

With my passion and continuous involvement in this sector, I witnessed huge potentials for the Entrepreneurs of this field. I am a firm believer of promoting the concept of Entrepreneurship and have been involved in mentoring and grooming the future youths, through knowledge & experience sharing. From providing real estate education in academic institutions, and conducting training programs on real estate research; I am now committed for promoting entrepreneurs ecosystem in Nepal. I am confident that our group will see even greater growth and scale greater heights in the years to come.

Executive Chairman
Brihat Group



In the post earthquake and post budget announcement period, all eyes are on the actions and reactions of the real estate stakeholders on how the market will be shaping up. Before that, let’s have a look at some facts about the devastations that left us and strengthened us along the way. A Home Ministry report showed 602,257 private houses have been completely destroyed, while 285,099 have been damaged partially due to the earthquake and aftershocks. The huge loss of human settlements and lives is also due to haphazard urbanization.


The budget for the fiscal year 2015-16 has adopted various measures to ensure planned urbanization. One of them is the implementation of land use policy. Land will be allocated to develop new settlement by implementing the policy. Developers will require prior approval from local authority for plotting the land for residential purpose. Housing development will be permitted by establishing easy access of basic infrastructure in the area. Integrated and organized settlements will be developed by transferring those areas that were geologically weakened by the earthquake where there is no possibility of resettlement.

The government has provisioned to have Rs 2.5 million loans to construct completely damaged houses with minimal interest rate which will create employment opportunities as well as increase the volume of new housing products. The announcement to allow foreign nationals to purchase apartments has also provided some relief to developers. To move forward for an organized urbanization and upgrade the quality of living in urban areas, we have to focus on implementing land use policy for residential area, incorporating earthquake resistant designs, mandatory approval for land plotting, and strictly enforcing building code and building by-laws.


It is only natural for earthquake to happen, but it is the joint effort of the government with improved policies, developers with better and disaster resistance design and well educated citizens to create a better future for Nepal and be prepared for such natural calamities while maintaining a well urbanized city and the country as a whole.


Editorial Team
Brihat Group


  • Executive Chairman
    Dr. Om Bahadur Rajbhandary
  • Executive Director
    Ms. Purnima Rajbhandary
  • Director
    Mr. Brihat Rajbhandary
    Ms. Deden Doma Rajbhandary
  • General Manager
    Mr. Nischal Man Singh Pradhan
  • Technical Director
    Ms. Prathana Vaidya
  • Assistant General Manager
    Mr. Dipendra Lal Karna
  • Audit & Finance Consultant
    FCA Narayan Bajaj
  • Legal Consultant
    Adv . Rudra Prasad Pokharel
    Adv . Sushil Kumar Chapagain
  • Consultant / Advisor
    Mr. Sharda Bhakta Ranjit
  • Business Development
    Ms. Anu Shrestha
  • Operation
    Ms. Lila nath Panta
  • Property Management
    Mr. Binay Mishra
  • Administration
    Mr. Balaram Khanal
    Ms. Nirmaya Ghale
    Ms. Alina Dhungana
  • Reception
    Ms. Prava Basel
    Ms. Susmita Tamang
  • Procurement Team
    Mr. Hari Prasad Yadav
    Mr. Atma Ram Khanal
    Mr. Rajesh Gautam
  • Accounts Department
    Mr. Rupak Shrestha
    Ms. Rumita Joshi Gorkhali
    Mr. Man Bahadur Malla
    Mr. Sandesh Karmacharya
    Ms. Gita Khatiwada
    Ms. Punita Yadav
  • Technical Team - BDB
    Mr. Prayash Man Sthapit
    Mr. Mahendra Malakar
    Ar. Rashmi Tuladhar
    Mr. Rajesh Bogati
    Er. Abhishekh Kc
    Ar. Saroj Maharjan
    Er. Sabin Ghimire
    Er. Sameer Bajracharya
  • Sales and Marketing
    Ms. Sabina Gurung
    Ms. Nita Shrestha
    Ms. Suruchi Dhakal
    Mr. Bidhan Khanal
    Mr. Anish Gautam
    Mr. Aashish Singh
    Mr. Rohan Das